Pepo Toledo inaugura su escultura pública Ciudad Utópica en Wassenaar, La Haya, Holanda 20SP15
Con motivo del Día Internacional de la Paz 2015, H.E. Gabriel Aguilera Peralta, Embajador de Guatemala, el alcalde de Wassenaar Doctor Jan Hoekema y la directora de EVA Artproductions Foundation doctora Eva María Mennes inauguraron la escultura pública Ciudad Utópica del escultor guatemalteco José Toledo Ordóñez, conocido como Pepo Toledo. La escultura fue instalada en los jardines del Castillo de Wittenburg ante la presencia de diferentes autoridades y numerosas personalidades del Cuerpo Diplomático de La Haya.
Acto seguido, los asistentes se trasladaron al acto de recepción en la Galería Patries van Dorst del castillo, donde se inauguró una muestra de pintura de la artista guatemalteca Karla Higueros. Allí se realizaron los actos protocolarios. El acto sorpresa fue un homenaje a la doctora Eva Mennes por su mecenazgo y extraordinaria labor en promover el arte en los Países Bajos por parte de la alcaldía de Wassenaar.
Discurso pronunciado por Pepo Toledo
I consider my sculptures models anxious to grow, aspiring to reach monumental dimensions and as critic Maurizio Colombo pointed out, «to dialogue with the light of day, interact with urban spaces, and improve the quality of life taking art to the streets».
He also quoted. “Our cities are besieged with traffic, pollution, and crime amongst other evils. Utopian Cities is a sentence against chaos and metropolitan degradation. Abandoned cities, still but at the same time defying the laws of gravity, waiting patiently. They´re an urgent call to heal deep metropolitan wounds, suggesting and ideal world of invention and discovery”.
Inside museums we find “Do not touch” signs and guards that constantly call our attention when in an emotional outburst or curiosity we get to close to an art piece. That is how my desire to make art for the streets is born, even in places where the public can interact with them and even touch them: Art for the people. Art should come out of the museums and be manifested in the streets and plazas.
I do monumental pieces not for their large scale, but for the energy they release and the spirituality they radiate.
I also pretend to contribute in the battle of shapes in constant change, in fragile stability and in continuous transition to new shapes: the universe seen through the passing of time.
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